1. \ wəl, (ə)l, ᵊl, ˈwil How to pronounce will (audio) \
              past would\ wəd , (ə)d , ˈwu̇d How to pronounce would (audio) \; present singular and plural will

              Definition of will

               (Entry 1 of 3)

              auxiliary verb

              1 used to express futuritytomorrow morning I will wake up in this first-class hotel suite— Tennessee Williams
              2 used to express desire, choice, willingness, consent, or in negative constructions refusalno one would take the jobif we will all do our bestwill you please stop that racket
              3 used to express a command, exhortation, or injunctionyou will do as I say, at once
              4 used to express frequent, customary, or habitual action or natural tendency or dispositionwill get angry over nothingwill work one day and loaf the next
              5 used to express probability and often equivalent to the simple verbthat will be the babysitter
              6a used to express inevitabilityaccidents will happen
              b used to express determination, insistence, persistence, or willfulnessI have made up my mind to go and go I will
              7 used to express capability or sufficiencythe back seat will hold three passengers

              transitive verb

              : desire, wish call it what you will

              intransitive verb

              : to have a wish or desire whether we will or no
              if you will
              : if you wish to call it that a kind of preoccupation, or obsession if you will— Louis Auchincloss


              \ ˈwil How to pronounce will (audio) \

              Definition of will (Entry 2 of 3)

              1 : a legal declaration of a person's wishes regarding the disposal of his or her property or estate after death especially : a written instrument legally executed by which a person makes disposition of his or her estate to take effect after death
              2 : desire, wish: such as
              a : disposition, inclination where there's a will there's a way
              3 : the act, process, or experience of willing : volition
              4a : mental powers manifested as wishing, choosing, desiring, or intending
              b : a disposition to act according to principles or ends
              c : the collective desire of a group the will of the people
              5 : the power of control over one's own actions or emotions a man of iron will
              6a : something desired especially : a choice or determination of one having authority or power
              b(1) [from the phrase our will is which introduces it] : the part of a summons expressing a royal command
              (2) archaic : request, command
              at will
              : as one wishes : as or when it pleases or suits oneself
              \ ˈwil How to pronounce will (audio) \
              willed; willing; wills

              Definition of will (Entry 3 of 3)

              transitive verb

              1a : to cause or change by an act of will believed he could will himself to succeed also : to try to do so
              c : decree, ordain Providence wills it
              d : to determine by an act of choice
              2a : to dispose of by or as if by a will : bequeath willed his entire estate to his son
              b : to order or direct by a will willed that her property be divided among her children

              intransitive verb

              1 : to exercise the will
              2 : choose do as you will

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              Shall vs. Will: Usage Guide

              Verb (1)

              From the reams of pronouncements written about the distinction between shall and will—dating back as far as the 17th century—it is clear that the rules laid down have never very accurately reflected actual usage. The nationalistic statements of 18th and 19th century British grammarians, who commonly cited the misuses of the Irish, the Scots, and occasionally the Americans, suggest that the traditional rules may have come closest to the usage of southern England. Some modern commentators believe that English usage is still the closest to the traditionally prescribed norms. Most modern commentators allow that will is more common in nearly all uses. The entries for shall and will in this dictionary show current usage.

              Examples of will in a Sentence

              Noun In her will, she asked that her money be donated to the church. He made a will only days before his death. He has no will of his own. a government that reflects the will of the people
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              First Known Use of will

              Verb (1)

              before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense


              before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2

              Verb (2)

              before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 2b

              History and Etymology for will

              Verb (1)

              Middle English (1st & 3rd singular present indicative), from Old English wille (infinitive wyllan); akin to Old High German wili (3rd singular present indicative) wills, Latin velle to wish, will


              Middle English, from Old English willa will, desire; akin to Old English wille

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              Time Traveler for will

              Time Traveler

              The first known use of will was before the 12th century

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              Statistics for will

              Cite this Entry

              “Will.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/will. Accessed 7 Jul. 2020.

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              How to pronounce will (audio)

              English Language Learners Definition of will

              law : a legal document in which a person states who should receive his or her possessions after he or she dies
              : a strong desire or determination to do something
              : a person's choice or desire in a particular situation


              helping verb
              \ wəl How to pronounce will (audio) , ˈwil \
              past would\ wəd , ˈwu̇d \; present singular & plural will

              Kids Definition of will

               (Entry 1 of 3)

              1 : wish to They will have milk.
              2 : am, is, or are willing to I will go if you ask me.
              3 : am, is, or are determined to We will go in spite of the storm.
              4 : am, is, or are going to Everyone will be there.
              5 : is or are commanded to You will obey.
              6 : is or are able to The car will hold six people.
              7 : is or are likely or bound to The truth will come out.


              \ ˈwil How to pronounce will (audio) \

              Kids Definition of will (Entry 2 of 3)

              1 : a firm desire or determination They have the will to win.
              2 : the power to decide or control emotions or actions He quit smoking through his own will.
              3 : a particular person's decision or choice It's the king's will that he be jailed.
              4 : a legal paper in which a person states to whom his or her property is to be given after death


              \ ˈwil How to pronounce will (audio) \
              willed; willing

              Kids Definition of will (Entry 3 of 3)

              1 : to intend or order It will happen if God wills it.
              2 : to bring to a certain condition by the power of the will Jonas felt himself losing consciousness and with his whole being willed himself to stay upright …— Lois Lowry, The Giver
              3 : to decide on by choice Go where you will.
              4 : to leave by will They willed the house to me.



              Legal Definition of will

               (Entry 1 of 2)

              1 : the desire, inclination, or choice of a person or group
              2 : the faculty of wishing, choosing, desiring, or intending
              3 : a legal declaration of a person's wishes regarding the disposal of his or her property after death especially : a formally executed written instrument by which a person makes disposition of his or her estate to take effect after death — see also codicil, living will, testament
              antenuptial will
              : a will that was executed by a person prior to that person's marriage and is usually revocable by the court if no provision was made for the person's spouse unless an intention not to make such a provision is manifest
              conditional will
              : a will intended to take effect upon a certain contingency and usually construed as having absolute force when the language pertaining to the condition suggests a general purpose to make a will
              counter will
              : mutual will in this entry
              holographic will
              : a will written out in the hand of the testator and accepted as valid in many states provided it meets statutory requirements (as that no important parts have been altered or replaced in the hand of another and that it has been properly witnessed)
              international will
              : a will written in any language and executed in accordance with procedures established as a result of an international convention so as to be valid as to form regardless of the location of its execution or the assets, nationality, domicile, or residence of the testator

              Note: A properly executed international will is still subject to local probate laws; the validity deriving from adherence to statutory requirements for such wills is purely formal, and a will invalid in respect to such requirements may still be valid under other rules.

              joint and mutual will
              : a single will jointly executed by two or more persons and containing reciprocal provisions for the disposition of property owned jointly, severally, or in common upon the death of one of them

              called also joint and reciprocal will

              joint will
              : a single will jointly executed by two or more persons and containing their respective wills the execution of a joint will or mutual wills does not create a presumption of a contract not to revoke the will or willsMaine Revised Statutes — compare joint and mutual will in this entry

              Note: A joint and mutual will is a joint will, but a joint will need not contain reciprocal provisions.

              mutual will
              : one of two separate wills that share reciprocal provisions for the disposition of property in the event of death by one of the parties a mutual will executed in connection with an agreement based on sufficient consideration is both contractual and testamentary in naturePruss v. Pruss, 514 N.W.2d 335 (1994)

              called also counter will, reciprocal will

              — compare joint and mutual will in this entry
              mystic will
              in the civil law of Louisiana : a will signed, sealed, witnessed, and notarized according to statutory procedure

              called also mystic testament, secret testament

              Note: The Louisiana Civil Code requires that for a mystic will to be valid, the will document itself or the envelope containing it must be closed and sealed and thus presented to the notary public and witnesses, or closed and sealed in their presence, and the testator must declare that it contains his or her signed will. The envelope or closed document must be subscribed by the testator, witnesses, and notary public.

              nonintervention will \ ˌnän-​ˌin-​tər-​ˈven-​chən-​ \
              : a will that provides for an executor to administer the estate without judicial involvement
              nuncupative will
              : a will allowed in some states that is dictated orally before witnesses and set down in writing within a statutorily specified time period (as 30 days) and that is allowed only for one in imminent peril of death from a terminal illness or from military or maritime service
              pour-over will
              : a will that provides for a transfer of assets (as the residue of the estate) to a trust (as an inter vivos trust) upon the death of the testator
              reciprocal will
              : mutual will in this entry
              at will
              : subject to an individual's discretion specifically : without a requirement that the employer have just cause for terminating an employee could be discharged at will

              Legal Definition of will (Entry 2 of 2)

              1 : to order or direct by will willed that his money be given to charity
              2 : to dispose of by will willed the house to their children

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              More from Merriam-Webster on will

              Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for will

              Rhyming Dictionary: Words that rhyme with will

              Spanish Central: Translation of will

              Nglish: Translation of will for Spanish Speakers

              Britannica English: Translation of will for Arabic Speakers

              Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about will

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